Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the supposedly new and updated to-do list

oh no, i'm getting hungry again!
it's 10 something pm and if anything, i should be going to bed.
though i did sleep the whole darn afternoon
(right after lunch til a good half an hour before dinner).
currently downloading gazillion of fonts as i've never updated the font library in my laptop. i think back and regret that i never brought my font library from home 5 years ago.
the then font-savvy PC is now in some dumpster (read: storage at home).
on with the long overdue list...
read a book - check!
Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki
horrible translation to English, too bad i cannot read Japanese. perhaps the culprit as to why i slept so much today
finished the book and well, planning to send it off to someone who'll appreciate it more.
it's still good. just that i don't see myself rereading it.
call doc's office tolock in August 07 appoitment - oops!
that's right, you gotta book in waaay in advance!
tried booking the appointment yday and guess what? i was told to call in January!
get rid of PC rubbish
pretty much done, except for the rubbish that's in the external hard drive!
install fonts - wonder how this will be done considering there are gazillions and they're all zipped up!
yay! done!
improve photoshop skills
thank goodness for tutorials online!
catch up on DVDs
heaps of Hillsong stuff (freebies)
old VCDs (yes, VCDs I bought in HK during the VCD heyday!)
misc DVDs from friends
'manage' my finances
more like check my bank account to see if i can survive for the rest of the year.
learn after effects
get on with the article editing
eat. NOW! - done

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