Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mum's the word? I'd agree to that for now.

As I went past the tree-lined path near where the bamboos are, I felt something heavy-ish land on my head.

I put my hand on top of my just-washed hair, praying it's not something a little bird might have dropped post birdy breakfast.

I breathed a sigh of relief realizing it must have been one of those red flowers that have been detaching itself from the trees.

Lovely flowers they are, scattered along the paths and making you feel like a princess walking on rose petals.

Sorting through all emotions. Glad mum's back. At least we got the cooking and the house stuff taken care of for the most part. And the brother-nagging's going to be significantly reduced.

Almost time for another year-end inventory of sorts. The stress will never go away. Yes, I'm acknowledging the fact that I am stressed. Not sure whether I've been for the last 5 years but right now, I definitely am.

Major cause of stress, still unknown but part and parcel of which might be the following: 'shrink'-less existence, unfulfillment in selected areas, frustration over lack of time for 'worthwhile' activities and some uncontrollable factors - the latter I deem not worth batting an eyelash for, and ignorance on extreme emotion management.

With business-lik demeanor, all of the above should be addressed within 2007.

Off for two days and maybe a bit more... sans the world wide web, sans the computer, sans make-up, avec much needed rest, submission and just some sort of chill out where hopefully I won't have to feel strongly about ANYTHING.


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