Supposedly cruisy but a tad emotional weekend. Skipped the Friday night haps, decided to come back home to catch up on a little bit of film fest work and some shut-eye, enough to sustain me for the following day.
French class was fun. Had a little party during the break where people really outdid themselves - drip coffee maker, french presses, croissants, brioches, baguettes, fruit platter and punnets of strawberries, jams, cheese platter with red wine (in the morning!).
Lunch was rather frustrating due to my diet. Plan A was fruit salad, which we can hardly find, believe it or not. So I went for an undressed garden salad, asked for honey and lemon and then towards the last bite, I noticed that they've put some shredded cheese in the salad, which I cannot really eat.
Hung out at Starbucks to get my buddy to teach me some francais which he's way better at than moi, then hurried home to get changed and went to Manly. Minie's Farewell. Hope it won't be the last we'll see of her!
Met up with the gang at the wharf, headed to the beach for some photos, had dinner in what seemed like broad daylight (it's summer, it's daylight saving time). I had the most expensive, plainest steak ever.
Off to Candy's Cafe afterwards and played Monopoly - The Las Vegas Edition over tea and cakes (which I cannot eat so I only had 2 pots of green tea). A weird after-dinner activity but hey, we're getting old and not running of creative ideas! I love the Las Vegas dice! If I can buy a dozen of those, I will! Very retro.
Here forth are les photos!

Slept at 12am, woke up 5-ish the next morning. I didn't really sleep from caffeine OD but managed to rock up at the airport 7-ish to see Minie head from her airline queue towards the food court queue.
Was silly (and jumpy) the whole morning from lack of sleep and with the caffeine still kicking in. The problem is, I cannot really tell when the caffeine will kick in in general so I cannot rely on such probability to say coffee keeps me awake and all that. I just love coffee so what the heck.
Expecting to see Minie in December for her graduation. Fingers-crossed. She was emotional and I was not perhaps due to my silly state of well-being.
Grabbed Starbucks at the airport. Had decaf. Went to Gloria Jeans in Town Hall to say hi to Rosie and kill time prior to church.
Home time after church. Went to the gym, walked a bit and got some DVDs and groceries.
Went to see Revolutions last night at the Opera House. The last bit was the best. Contemporary ballet. Really cool costumes and set.
Off to Excel training today. Little holiday from work! Yay! Then three work days left.
Watched a few of the DVDs I borrowed Sunday night. French ones. I love film. And oh, I wish I am related to John Woo.