Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Itch.

If I were a tiny, tiny bit more messed up, you would have been stepped on. Stepped on like that wriggling fish on the carpet. Squished. Worked like a charm. The fish stopped wriggling. It stopped wriggling, right?

Filo Film Fest coming up in February. I just got the email today and I so wanna be in.
a. Filo-oriented screenplay
b. Writing in Filo
c. Location, location
d. Cast and crew
e. Editing and dubbing to DVD
f. Oh yeah almost forgot the finances

Holidays. Should I go on one? When and where?

Sydney Film Fest. And so I ditched half my shifts. I have exams and I just thought it wasn't worth it. I managed to pinch a cool volunteer ID. I value its rarity and the fact that I have acquired it with my wits. *chuckle*

Me and Amy went to see this Hongkie flick, Infernal Affairs II. It's pretty cool. I never expected it to be so fresh. It was as brutal and violent as Quentin Tarantino, without the sarcasm. I could be wrong cos the subtitles could have given the script a brand new interpretation.

Tickets were complements of this mystery lady who just handed us her tickets whilst we were waiting on this guy who wait-listed us at the box office. I was almost gonna approach the festival people and demand for my free tickets.

Went to see Shrek 2 with Al for a laugh-out-loud fun pre-exam farewell celebration. Oh well. Too many adjectives there. It was fab! Just brilliant! I can just sit here with a childish grin on my face.

I'm once again procrastinating. Why isn't it November yet?

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