Sunday, December 17, 2006

what's MY problem? what's YOUR problem?

*loud groan + loud sigh*

i feel deprived of my security blanket.
hence the need for a certain degree of extreme outburst.

work christmas party at the sofitel on friday. so-so food but good fun. had my fair share of dancing. haven't danced for so long.felt good. i miss jazz so much. the sydney dance company kinda jazz. but wait for me, SDC. i'm coming back end of jan 07.

test drove a toyota yaris with a friend today then had nice lunch at glebe (one of the artsy suburbs in my A-list). headed off to Hillsong to crew on tv then met up with friends for dinner/dessert. miss those gals, especially Nic who's been MIA the whole time i was MIA and maybe even longer. love them who made my 2006 worth looking back to in the years to come.

am seriously tired. i've made an effort to make this day good. now i feel the strain (perhaps partly caused by the dancing last night) and the need to keep my door shut for a while.

hugs. i need to work on my screenplay.

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