Saturday, December 23, 2006
The everyday Friday week!
Prep for Saturday. Been tired from the previous night's lack of sleep but heck it's the real Friday. I can't believe I've reached the maximum amount of emails sent in an hour that I have to wait for the next hour to continue sending.
They are just christmas greetings that I wanted to send across. And for the lack of things to say and the lack of energy to come up with something, I have resorted to le foto of something rather abstract but not really and slapped a bunch of text on it. Anyhoo, I still cannot believe yahoo has such limits - limit as to how many people you can send an email to and another limit on how many emails you send in an hour. At this day and age, I would have though... ahhh such is life.
Nice to catch up with friends during the course of the day and good to spend some quiet moments at home. I AM getting old, afterall.
My Kris Kringle forgot my pressie and left it at home so the following day, she left it on my table. It was the size of a pack of cigarettes - 'deck of cards' a la good food guide! It was perfect. Only thing is, the places are mostly on the 'been there, done that' list. Oh well. I still love it.
Lunch meeting with Dan. Good to catch-up and to know where things are film festival-wise. Sigh. If only I can do such things full time.
Post work, had to go grab a shirt as I felt so icky and was just dying to get out of my icky top. Wrong day to have such a dilemma as it was crazy Thursday shopping! The fitting rooms have long lines and all. I almost spent a whopping 140 bucks on a country road top. Decided against it cos it was white and I have to get something of a dark colour to match my undergarments.
Met up with Nic, did some shopping with her. Located Amy and then went for dinner. Shopped a bit more, met up with Annfen and her friend and went for coffee. Talked forever, caught the last bus for the day to the lower north shore. :)
Lunched with Leanne. Final one for the year. Went home after work, just straight to bed after dinner. Was uber tired.
Lunched with Diane. Haven't seen her for what seemed like months and there were a lot of catching up left undone.
Can't remember much from Monday. It was dreaded as usual. Spent the lunch hour chilling.
Went for the annointing service at Hillsong. Good as usual. There are more things to reflect on this year. Time for me to grow up. Funny how my growth has been gearing toward knowing the Holy Spirit and they prayed about that particular aspect. It's not funny, really. It's amazing.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
what's MY problem? what's YOUR problem?
i feel deprived of my security blanket.
hence the need for a certain degree of extreme outburst.
work christmas party at the sofitel on friday. so-so food but good fun. had my fair share of dancing. haven't danced for so long.felt good. i miss jazz so much. the sydney dance company kinda jazz. but wait for me, SDC. i'm coming back end of jan 07.
test drove a toyota yaris with a friend today then had nice lunch at glebe (one of the artsy suburbs in my A-list). headed off to Hillsong to crew on tv then met up with friends for dinner/dessert. miss those gals, especially Nic who's been MIA the whole time i was MIA and maybe even longer. love them who made my 2006 worth looking back to in the years to come.
am seriously tired. i've made an effort to make this day good. now i feel the strain (perhaps partly caused by the dancing last night) and the need to keep my door shut for a while.
hugs. i need to work on my screenplay.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The Radish, The Chill Pill, Lost in Translation and Casual Days
Lunchie with Na tomo to catch-up and all...
Was good to see Leanne. She told me that when I was at home she saw 5-6 angels by my bedside whilst I sleep.
Casey's going to the US in March! !@!%&@*&! I am soooo jealous!
I love Sophia Coppola. Can't wait for Marie Antoinette come Boxing Day! I got a Lost in Translation DVD from Leanne!
Casual days at work... kicking off tomorrow til 5 Jan. Aaaaahhh. :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
23degree summer.
Last day of my holiday today. But hey, there's christmas day and boxing (marie antoinette!) day and new year's day and 2007!
*still wondering and pondering.*
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Seriously. Tired.
It's all good but yeah I'm so tired and I haven't gone through everything in my to do list. Note that I've got one work-free day left.
I let out that big sigh in front of mum and she went 'if you want to go on a forever holiday, just go home. you can always go back home and do nothing.' Nothingness back home is really nothing. Nothingness here is not quite nothing. The latter is actually a lot of things, but nothing that's going to generate some constant flow of moolah.
I know what I want but I don't quite know how to get there. 'It's not a very good time for you to let go yet', my friend observed. And I have to agree with her cos that's what I've realized during my work-free days.
For the time being, I just gotta grin and bear it.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Yawn! Eeek! Argh! Yuck!
speaking of cats, there's a persian one that visits us every night. it's got one of those green glow-in-the-dark type eyes that seem to go after you... it's our neighbor's cat. was telling mum that it probably comes into our backyard to poo beside where the possums poo. eeek.
there was a big branch that feel from one of the trees and then got stuck right outside my window. was trying to punch the screen that i cannot open. punch it without breaking it... but the branch won't even budge. ack. i wish the possums won't play around with it tonight and go scratching against my window screen! yuck!
i feel like pouring disinfectant on those possums. they can be cute but only when they're behind glass doors and far away.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Another cold day, which I'd prefer over a hot day especially when I'm staying home. I'm not being a lil cruella wishing everyone who can roam free feels the gloom. I mean it can still be sunny but with a cool breeze. It just means my room's gonna have that nice coolness about it as opposed to being hot and yucky.
Realized my dictionary is so crap. It never gave me the info I wanted, apart from that concise meaning of a word. My bro seem to deem it of use. It's got a lil fly stuck in one of it's pages, which is really gross but heck I don't use it often enough to really care. Bwahaha.
Bro landed in Filoland about 11pm (Sydney Time) last night. Bet ya he's happy to be home. Can't wait for him to fly back, though. All those stories and realizations... will there be any of the latter? I really wonder...
Been listening to my opium - Jamiroquai's latest album, Dynamite. However, it doesn't seem to emit the same groove + beat as his previous albums. I gotta say it's still got that retro-ish feel about it that I love. So fair dinkum.
Today's Movie: Roberto Benigni's La Vita e Bella.
Another thing to look forward to:
Friday, December 01, 2006
another one of those revivals