Saturday, October 07, 2006

burning the midnight oil and such

ariel is indeed my fave bookshop. i slipped away from my work dinner at Lowenbrau down at The Rocks to head home (and get cracking on some film fest work reseach, mind you!), walked past ariel's open doors and was enticed to walk in. I pulled back thinking of the odds I wouldn't make a purchase. The buyer in that darn cool place deserves some recognition.

Friday is burn-the-midnight-oil night. I get to that point where I cannot even decide whether it was still a Friday or new day Saturday. ACK. Guess it's some kind of 'put-things-in-perspective' time, apart from just beating a Friday deadline for my so-called work. Ok, it's a volunteer work that I've often caught myself taking way too seriously.

Whether I'm investing in something worthwhile is beyond me. But I do have my hopes up for this project. More details when we get closer to the so-called 'release date'.

And so I kept my inbox open until 1-ish and now I've got a bunch of new mail, mostly junk from auto-generated sites presumably based in the US. Not to mention a bunch of emails from people I personally know also based in the US. Not forgetting the fact that I did get another Job Site email with about 50 jobs, when last night I just went through a list of 60-70 odd jobs. Ok, more like media-related or "media-related" jobs.

So tell me, what's up with the millions of jobs that suddenly flood my inbox? Not that much of those tickle my fancy. It's just so... sudden. And it makes me wonder where the jobs I want are hiding.

It's all about timing, alright. It's all about timing.

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