Beaucoup de choses peut être perdu dans la traduction. Est-ce que je donne un rien ? Je ne pense pas ainsi.
Actuellement dans un état de dépression, je commence à considérer sur ce qui a été, ce qui est maintenant et ce qui pourrait avoir été. Je suis tenté pour me laisser au travail ainsi détestez et admettez au monde entier que j'ai entrepris une démarche ennuyant fausse. Cependant, je ne pense pas il est sage comme je crois toujours que j'ai été apporté à ce travail pour un but qui est toujours complètement inconnu à moi.
Le travail est une raison et la santé, une autre. Je serai privé de beaucoup de variétés de nourriture pour les deux semaines suivantes. J'ai dû faire une promenade pour figurer hors de la façon dont je peux me mettre à ces deux semaines quand je serai dans un état d'hypothyroïdisme. Autant que je déteste pour l'admettre, j'ai jeté une larme ou deux.
Il y avait la réalisation que j'ai été frustré pendant tout à fait un moment. Quant à ce que la prochaine étape est censée pour être, démuni de I la plus légère idée. Aidez-ainsi moi Dieu.
Retour en arrière il y a cinq ans, j'étais dans un travail que je déteste vraiment. Mon ami utilisé pour me dire que les moments désespérés sont bons parce que quand l'inondation plus de, un arc-en-ciel apparaît. J'espère que 2007 apporteront cet arc-en-ciel à l'existence.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
"Artist my A$$" and "Wish You Were Here"
Having a bit of a day-off from the whole wide world.
French class yesterday (got the audio cd that supposedly comes with the book), went French book hunting (to no avail that my friend decided to source it online, open to options from all over the world), off to Hillsong TV (insightful messages and a FULL SERVICE DVD to bring home!) and then to Nic's farewell (short but sweet as I was very late, and Nic's trip is postponed to 10 days after original date! Yay!).
Daylight Savings kicked-off today. And thus marked the end of the US/UK ones.Woke up lazily, had brekky (essential part of the day as of late), did 2 loads of laundry plus drying, catch-up with flatmate and have a million things left on my list.
Two work performance-related stacks of papers to fill-out by Tuesday, gym, grocery shopping, ironing, video editing and article editing (latter two needs major kick-starting). Great need of channeling out frustrations currently being addressed. I long for my shrink, who'd give me a spanking for not doing anything to channel out my creative frustrations.
It's almost year-end and I'd still say 2006 can just be written-off.
French class yesterday (got the audio cd that supposedly comes with the book), went French book hunting (to no avail that my friend decided to source it online, open to options from all over the world), off to Hillsong TV (insightful messages and a FULL SERVICE DVD to bring home!) and then to Nic's farewell (short but sweet as I was very late, and Nic's trip is postponed to 10 days after original date! Yay!).
Daylight Savings kicked-off today. And thus marked the end of the US/UK ones.Woke up lazily, had brekky (essential part of the day as of late), did 2 loads of laundry plus drying, catch-up with flatmate and have a million things left on my list.
Two work performance-related stacks of papers to fill-out by Tuesday, gym, grocery shopping, ironing, video editing and article editing (latter two needs major kick-starting). Great need of channeling out frustrations currently being addressed. I long for my shrink, who'd give me a spanking for not doing anything to channel out my creative frustrations.
It's almost year-end and I'd still say 2006 can just be written-off.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Personality Type
***You Are An INFP***
The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.
What's Your Personality Type?
The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.
What's Your Personality Type?
Sunday, October 22, 2006
the stress that comes with it all

Damned S-word.
Meant to be Sunday funday but it's more like Sunday stress-like-crazy day.
First of all, tomorrow is a Monday, the bitch of all days. And having the bulk of Monday through to Friday being about work does not make it even a tad better. There are chores to finish up and it also dawned on me that I have not done a single itty bitty thing done for the work that has been so carefully entrusted to my care. Do I abandon the work and break the trust or do I hang in there and diligently finish the work that has been entrusted to me? Ahhhh. New York, New York.
Then bang-in-my-face come two up-and-coming projects. One due this Friday. Yes, THIS FRIDAY! And we have done zilch! Errr, I'm waiting for someone to initiate because I was told to. Exhale. So why did I take on these things? Because I love them media things and all. Bow.
If only I do not have to work that 9 to 5, really 8:30 to 6:30, job.
In dire need of more gym time, and more time to learn francais.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
In dire need of eye drops!
And perhaps some shut-eye!
It's been a long day. Jam-packed. And I tried to squeeze everything in. I'd rather get things done and over with.
Seriously, everytime I think about passionately hating this darned thing, random acts of kindness sprout from nowhere and pacifies my erruption. And the good thing about having ten million things to do would be each of the ten million things having peaks and valleys, the patterns of which would be beyond my comprehension, so I'd have at least one thing to rave about despite having 9,999,999 things to rant about.
I had my third monthly review (marking my third month in the firm) today. It was more of a get-to-know-the-boss type thang or maybe a get-to-know-your-employee session from their side. I've exposed a great deal about who I am, and embarrassingly, my journalism background came up. That's something that has stuck in my boss' head from reading my CV. Thing is, I can't even spell anymore. HA!
Currently too tired to do my research. I feel abandoned somehow. But right now I couldn't care less. I just want to sleep.
It's been a long day. Jam-packed. And I tried to squeeze everything in. I'd rather get things done and over with.
Seriously, everytime I think about passionately hating this darned thing, random acts of kindness sprout from nowhere and pacifies my erruption. And the good thing about having ten million things to do would be each of the ten million things having peaks and valleys, the patterns of which would be beyond my comprehension, so I'd have at least one thing to rave about despite having 9,999,999 things to rant about.
I had my third monthly review (marking my third month in the firm) today. It was more of a get-to-know-the-boss type thang or maybe a get-to-know-your-employee session from their side. I've exposed a great deal about who I am, and embarrassingly, my journalism background came up. That's something that has stuck in my boss' head from reading my CV. Thing is, I can't even spell anymore. HA!
Currently too tired to do my research. I feel abandoned somehow. But right now I couldn't care less. I just want to sleep.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
the trip down memory lane
That's what I call lunch breaks spent walking around The Rocks - one of the things I miss most about working at my previous office.
Managed to take a bus down the good ol' path, survey the Museum of Contemporary Art Shop and spend some time browsing through the uber coolness of the book selection at ariel.
The MCA Shop
- Funky cameras with an array of colour filters and multiple lenses. From 70 bucks.
- Arty 2007 diaries, mostly New York-inspired (read: MoMA, Andy Warhol [from the Andy Warhol Museum in NY, I suspect], New York Times). From 18 bucks for the pocket diary.
- Unique accesories including animal-hide round purses with key ring, 35 bucks, and beaded necklaces wrapped in antique silk kimono fabrics, 98 bucks.
- Funky greeting cards.
ariel booksellers
- moleskin notebooks, planners and diaries of various sizes and specs. From 25 bucks.
- Zadie Smith books, the new Nick Hornby bestseller, "My First Film" (Hollywood's famous directors talk about their first films), and an interesting one called "Notes from the Underground Teenagers"
- funky greeting cards.
The greeting cards inspired me to buy a printer. I still want a mac. Any sponsors?
Halfway through October. Can't wait for bludgy days with trainings and induction programs, my two days off (at least!) in November, Christmas with the family (again in Sydney) and 2007! YAY!
Managed to take a bus down the good ol' path, survey the Museum of Contemporary Art Shop and spend some time browsing through the uber coolness of the book selection at ariel.
The MCA Shop
- Funky cameras with an array of colour filters and multiple lenses. From 70 bucks.
- Arty 2007 diaries, mostly New York-inspired (read: MoMA, Andy Warhol [from the Andy Warhol Museum in NY, I suspect], New York Times). From 18 bucks for the pocket diary.
- Unique accesories including animal-hide round purses with key ring, 35 bucks, and beaded necklaces wrapped in antique silk kimono fabrics, 98 bucks.
- Funky greeting cards.
ariel booksellers
- moleskin notebooks, planners and diaries of various sizes and specs. From 25 bucks.
- Zadie Smith books, the new Nick Hornby bestseller, "My First Film" (Hollywood's famous directors talk about their first films), and an interesting one called "Notes from the Underground Teenagers"
- funky greeting cards.
The greeting cards inspired me to buy a printer. I still want a mac. Any sponsors?
Halfway through October. Can't wait for bludgy days with trainings and induction programs, my two days off (at least!) in November, Christmas with the family (again in Sydney) and 2007! YAY!
HIT by Madness
October is one of the best months to come to Sydney just because it is Good Food Month and if there is one thing I like best about Sydney, it's gotta be the food! Oh yeaaahhh!
Because most of my friends and I are poor... ok, on a budget, we've been skipping the 'hatted' (the excellent restaurants are rated via hats and there's only a handful of them!) restaurants' hundred-dollar over dinners and going for something dubbed "Sugar Hit", hosted by some of Sydney's best hotels, for 15 bucks a pop.
They are these oh-so-sweet treats that will practically abuse your tastebuds to numbness. They come with either dessert wine (orange muscat is syrupy sweet, the sweet sparking red wine is pretty cool) or scotch. Twist your waiter's arm for coffee, tea or juice. Tap water in Sydney is totally potable (unlike in some exotic places where you gotta use bottled water just to brush your teeth) and they come free with every meal. You just gotta ask your server.
I am glad it's Friday - the week is over and it is time for that breather. I turned down a day-out. Should I kick myself? It's so unlike me but I figure I need that time for myself. I'm not sure what for.
Selfish me. Who isn't, anyway?
Because most of my friends and I are poor... ok, on a budget, we've been skipping the 'hatted' (the excellent restaurants are rated via hats and there's only a handful of them!) restaurants' hundred-dollar over dinners and going for something dubbed "Sugar Hit", hosted by some of Sydney's best hotels, for 15 bucks a pop.
They are these oh-so-sweet treats that will practically abuse your tastebuds to numbness. They come with either dessert wine (orange muscat is syrupy sweet, the sweet sparking red wine is pretty cool) or scotch. Twist your waiter's arm for coffee, tea or juice. Tap water in Sydney is totally potable (unlike in some exotic places where you gotta use bottled water just to brush your teeth) and they come free with every meal. You just gotta ask your server.
I am glad it's Friday - the week is over and it is time for that breather. I turned down a day-out. Should I kick myself? It's so unlike me but I figure I need that time for myself. I'm not sure what for.
Selfish me. Who isn't, anyway?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
adolescent angst and more...
I need some good ol' spankin'.
Because I feel like going on to the footbridge and screaming at the top of my lungs.
I want to bang my head hard against the brick wall, too. Errr... maybe not...
And perhaps go out the backyard and upset the possums some more so they'd scream or make whatever sound they make that would piss me off big time and I'd attempt to grab their tails and fling them to the neighbor's backyards.
Or wherever they land.
Agh. Such is life.
Because I feel like going on to the footbridge and screaming at the top of my lungs.
I want to bang my head hard against the brick wall, too. Errr... maybe not...
And perhaps go out the backyard and upset the possums some more so they'd scream or make whatever sound they make that would piss me off big time and I'd attempt to grab their tails and fling them to the neighbor's backyards.
Or wherever they land.
Agh. Such is life.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
burning the midnight oil and such
ariel is indeed my fave bookshop. i slipped away from my work dinner at Lowenbrau down at The Rocks to head home (and get cracking on some film fest work reseach, mind you!), walked past ariel's open doors and was enticed to walk in. I pulled back thinking of the odds I wouldn't make a purchase. The buyer in that darn cool place deserves some recognition.
Friday is burn-the-midnight-oil night. I get to that point where I cannot even decide whether it was still a Friday or new day Saturday. ACK. Guess it's some kind of 'put-things-in-perspective' time, apart from just beating a Friday deadline for my so-called work. Ok, it's a volunteer work that I've often caught myself taking way too seriously.
Whether I'm investing in something worthwhile is beyond me. But I do have my hopes up for this project. More details when we get closer to the so-called 'release date'.
And so I kept my inbox open until 1-ish and now I've got a bunch of new mail, mostly junk from auto-generated sites presumably based in the US. Not to mention a bunch of emails from people I personally know also based in the US. Not forgetting the fact that I did get another Job Site email with about 50 jobs, when last night I just went through a list of 60-70 odd jobs. Ok, more like media-related or "media-related" jobs.
So tell me, what's up with the millions of jobs that suddenly flood my inbox? Not that much of those tickle my fancy. It's just so... sudden. And it makes me wonder where the jobs I want are hiding.
It's all about timing, alright. It's all about timing.
Friday is burn-the-midnight-oil night. I get to that point where I cannot even decide whether it was still a Friday or new day Saturday. ACK. Guess it's some kind of 'put-things-in-perspective' time, apart from just beating a Friday deadline for my so-called work. Ok, it's a volunteer work that I've often caught myself taking way too seriously.
Whether I'm investing in something worthwhile is beyond me. But I do have my hopes up for this project. More details when we get closer to the so-called 'release date'.
And so I kept my inbox open until 1-ish and now I've got a bunch of new mail, mostly junk from auto-generated sites presumably based in the US. Not to mention a bunch of emails from people I personally know also based in the US. Not forgetting the fact that I did get another Job Site email with about 50 jobs, when last night I just went through a list of 60-70 odd jobs. Ok, more like media-related or "media-related" jobs.
So tell me, what's up with the millions of jobs that suddenly flood my inbox? Not that much of those tickle my fancy. It's just so... sudden. And it makes me wonder where the jobs I want are hiding.
It's all about timing, alright. It's all about timing.
Friday, October 06, 2006
That final hour.
Longest hour imaginable. Except of course when you're having a good old time (e.g. that lunch break in between a busy morning and a crazy-busy afternoon).
Dang. I keep hitting the 'Check Mail' button again! All the freaking time!
Been a busy week alright. Stressful. I'm tired. Way tired. In agony over something beyond the tip of the iceberg.
I love the weekends. I wish I can look forward to weekdays, too.
Dang. I keep hitting the 'Check Mail' button again! All the freaking time!
Been a busy week alright. Stressful. I'm tired. Way tired. In agony over something beyond the tip of the iceberg.
I love the weekends. I wish I can look forward to weekdays, too.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The eight-hour stretch.
I hate doing my tax return. I'm getting peanuts back this year. I guess that's better than having to pay the government back some moolah. As if I have a lot to begin with. Give it a week to settle. My accountants are trying to do their work.
Have an arvo 'tea' partee to go to. In half an hour. I haven't showered, had lunch and all.
Labour Day Public Holiday. It does feel like a second Saturday in a weekend. I'd rather get lost roaming the streets than anything.
Glad I'm having a break off work. Busy week ahead, though.
Have an arvo 'tea' partee to go to. In half an hour. I haven't showered, had lunch and all.
Labour Day Public Holiday. It does feel like a second Saturday in a weekend. I'd rather get lost roaming the streets than anything.
Glad I'm having a break off work. Busy week ahead, though.
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