Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year! New Revelations!

It was at least 40 degrees yesterday. It was scorching hot and the wind was just hot. It was like standing beside the end of a bus that's blowing hot air at ya. Horrible. Air-conditioned places are not even cool. Think those units are gonna conk out if the temperature keeps hitting the 40s. Worst weather ever in Sydney. Weird how the usually hot-in-summer Perth has about 23 degrees of coolness.

Started reading Revelations yday. I had to take a deep breath. Josc was just saying the book's too magical. I have to agree. I love the book but it just takes more effort to really get something out of it. Perhaps my subconscious IS getting fed nonetheless. I'd like to think of it that way.

Got a few trips and 'trips' lined up for this year. I'm broke as it is but wanna make the most out of the happs around town, e.g. the Sydney Festival. Check out I reckon it's one of the coolest sites.

Meant to go to a dance show called 'I Want To Dance Better At Parties' with friends but it's all booked out! Would have been cool! I still wanna check out the New Orleans Jazz stuff! Oh I want a full programme guide book now!

Parents heading home tomorrow. Really have to head to bed but can't sleep. Too hot.

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