>>> cup counting <<<
Had two cups of Starbucks yesterday. One before lunch and a decaf after dinner. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was too jumpy, even tried to get online and perhaps blog just to tire myself but the ding-a-dang-a-ding-a-ling of a dial-up connection I have just isn’t willing to let me enter cyberspace. I was even looking forward to maybe chatting with my Bostonian-for-now flatmate.
Perhaps Starbucks should not be taking the blame. I know my coffee and decaf is definitely decaf, unless they did a big boo boo and did not do decaf. You cannot really taste the difference. I could not, unless you know the decaf beans are old and battered as is the case in Wynyard, then decaf’s really gonna taste weird.
>>> Narlyn’s birthday lunch <<<
Yesterday was my first day out so I was like a kid let out in the sun after a whole week of begging to be let out. Headed to church, was happy with whatever I pulled out of the closet, met up with Nar and headed to the mall together. It was her birthday bash of sorts and the last time I’m ever gonna see her on this leg of my one-legged trip.
We did a few rounds of window shopping (we did grab some stuff from Body Shop, she got a pair of earrings which looked fab on her and I got a belt). Had a chat over a cuppa, went for another round then headed for lunch at the Outback.
There was six of us, three of which, I just met then. It was just great company. For some reason, there is something about meeting good friends of really close friends. You just develop a certain liking (or even loving) for them even before they open their mouths. In this particular group, it is also the air around them. I just got that good vibe from them.
Outback used to be my fave not because it’s aussie but it used to be excellent. Yesterday was a bit disappointing. It could be me as my perception of food has gone a but haywire. I have to go to Ripples when I fly back to Syds to verify that. But the brownie fudge thang that we got for the birthday girl was magnifico. Overall, company matters way more than the food.
>>> the typical Sunday stuff that I love <<<
Met up with the rest of the family after giving Narlyn a bear hug goodbye, did a quick buy, bumped into members of the extended family, had a quick chat then we were home bound. Mom had to run off to a seminar and three of us just chilled at home. Bro and I chatted vis-à-vis Mr. Bean which was on Disney behind closed doors.
Had dinner at a Jap place. I normally don’t do Jap and Chinese when I’m home as I have too much Jap in Syds and I’ve had too much Chinese my entire life and was opting for Spanish but everyone else preferred Jap over Spanish. I let them have it. Starbucks thereafter. I’m collecting stickers at Starbucks cos after like 21 drinks or something you get a cool planner that you cannot purchase outright! I have like 15 more stickers to collect!
I’ve scheduled to meet up with my college friends on Tuesday. My mom said yes and kinda left things for me and my bro to figure out so I was ecstatic! I guess everything put together just made me so hyper.
>>> end notes <<<
I am starting to wonder whether the radiation stuff did something to me. My mood’s been soaring since Friday. It’s just weird. In a good way, of course.
WOW Factor: Bram Cohen’s wizardry (of Bit Torrent fame) and scanned Amazing Spiderman Comics!
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