Sunday, October 10, 2004

media buff status: at it again!

Hillsong Life
This marks my first day on the Hillsong TV Crew! Such a joyous moment! Yeah it was just nice to be back in that line again! I can just stay there forever! Errr... well... I have to eat, too. Maybe that's just where Starbucks comes in. Waaaah!

Cell's on again next Tuesday and I have to miss it AGAIN cos of a make up class, this time. How disappointing.

The Apartment
John the real estate agent's popped by to show a couple of couples THIS apartment and I picked that moment to discreetly tell him of the keyhole jamming incidents. Aparently, he wasn't aware of it. He should have because 1. we've left his receptionist a message about it on the phone, 2. the strata manager should have called him and 3. we mentioned it in our lease termination letter.

But anyway, he ended up openly discussing the scenarios and proposing solutions to counter the crime. I think I used more adjectives than I was supposed to throughout my story telling. So we might actually stay. But it's all up in the air at the moment. What's new? We decided to postpone the deadline anyway.

That was one load off my back.

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