Saturday, October 16, 2004

bludger blogger

Final minute til tomorrow. Clearly nonsensical. Anyhoo been a ho-hum day right from the start. I think I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock thinking I had nothing to do and I was just repeating some "sleep in! sleep in!" mantra that worked for like an hour and ten minutes.

Thereafter I managed to put some sense into my coconut husk and realized I HAVE TO GET TO WORK AND I AM ALREADY BLOODY TEN MINUTES LATE!!! Tried to ring Casey but his phone was 'disconnected' which was weird. I still took my shower, then rang Casey to let him know I was on my way.

About 8 minutes to 8am I got to work, grabbed a till and got Casey to open the loverly shutters whilst I try to set up as much as possible as I saw a couple of guys lurking around. Potential customers and yes, they did come in and ordered a couple of Venti drinks!

Work was bludgy, a bit on the boring side yet good fun. Dropped by Circular Quay cos Rosa's finishing her shift and then we headed home whilst Al went off to the uni library.

Came home, wrote a long overdue response to a letter I got like half a year ago and tried to cram in a bit of studying. I so couldn't concentrate for some reasons and well I was happy I was able to write letters again. Haven't done that in ages so I was trying to get into the swing of things again.

Off to Casey's for dinner as I gave up reading Accounting. Had another one of Casey's feasts and then just a lot of blabbering around and laugh-out-louds with him and Rosa. Amy was at work so she missed out. Talked about funnies and psychological stuff (triggered by this telly show called Monk with that dude with OCD).

My muscles still pain me. All from the rigid Jazz dance warm-ups. It's the good sort of pain. I so needed the work-out.

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