Thursday, September 02, 2004

*silly smile pasted on Ivannah's face*

Day-off tomorrow! It's my birthday, too! But haha I'm normally not psyched about my birthdays. If I were given a choice, I wouldn't really choose to have a birthday. I know that's insane. We're all entitled to our own thoughts though. And this is my blog so I can write anything.

Slept in a bit this morning so I was kinda late for work... Well I was actually intending to wake up a tad early so I can do a bit of ironing, at least good for today. I called it a night too early last night. And so I had to grab a black skirt and wear it to work, intending to come home after my 6-12 shift and iron + change prior to going to uni.

Work was a-ok. Just tiring cos there was only me and Sririn. We did a great job but yeah it just wears you out. Then I had to do a bit of admin work for Roy, the new manager cos Amanda went to the snow.... it was ok. The heat in the store was giving me a massive headache so I had to nick one of Edwin/Alison's Panadol.

I finished work just as I was to leave for uni... and got there right on the dot. Skirt and all... yeah. massive headache included...

I went to uni cos I need the course notes and the midterm tips... which the lecturer decided to reveal at the end of the lecture. I had coffee during the break. I haven't had coffee for a week and I was impressed by the uni soy mocha. I actually felt the caffeine going through my system and it shook me up... Pretty good job it did.

Midterm tips included the following:
A: 20 multiple choice (lease, construction contracts and mining)
B: writted (theory/calculations)

Very, very helpful indeed! Ugh!

But I daresay it was quite an achievement to have sat through the entirety of the 2.5 hour lecture. Whoa! I left uni very happy.

I had to drop by the store a second time as I realized I brought the deposit book with me. Haha! I didn't wanna get into trouble... so I ended up having afternoon tea and chatting sooo much with Pauline and John. It was fun. I love those people!

And so those things made my day happy. But then, I gotta prepare for midterms very soon. Can't afford to flunk!

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