Saturday, April 03, 2004

Latest Acquisition: Bangkok Mug

~ On Taylor vs. Go

I finally finished going through all the stuff included in my midterms. But I still have to go through cases. That’s halfway, at least. John Taylor’s my law lecturer. Such a bludger but he’s entertaining. He knows arts and literature. I find it amusing. But Go still triumphs over Taylor and I have to add Dickens still wins the gold.

~ On Verbosity

I’m having beef strips and tea for breakky. You come up with weird meals when you’re living away from home. Or maybe I’m a rarity. My flatmate’s got relatively normal eating habits.

95% of the time I wake up, check my phone and find messages that checked themselves in whilst I am sound asleep. I work and hang out with quirky and verbose Al. She smses me a lot cos she just has too much to say. She said she’s not hosting Rosa’s Sydney stay this weekend. I wonder, I wonder. I can imagine Al explaining her grounds in her extremely wide technical law-inspired vocabulary why she thinks Rosa should stay elsewhere.

Rosa studies up in central coast and comes to Sydney every other weekend for work. And to chill with us. For the past weekends she’s stayed at Al’s. I dunno what’s up but Al doesn’t seem ecstatic playing big sister every so often.

Rosa’s a cool kid. I just have too much issues to deal with at the moment. It’s a year of change for me. I’m still trying to cope. I have to study. That’s me trying to brainwash myself to really study. It works every now and then. It lasts about 5 seconds then I’m back to formulating scripts in my head. I have about 5 work-in-progress. It’s probably a good idea to put them to paper. Taxation law might wash them away.

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