Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Week: in point form

+ busy lunch periods catching up with an array of lunch buddies - to make up for the nights spent on The Editing.

+ spoke to dad on monday, dad's birthday on tuesday, found out he had a bit of an accident thereafter - pray it's going to be all good. soon. :I

+ bro somewhat worried about eye probs. :(

+ busy day at work, meetings and all - think the volume has picked up once again - and maybe we need those contractors after all.

+ officially taking a finance course next month - something i have to pass (aim:71%). otherwise, it's going to be another expense - an unwanted one at that.

+ whew! i thought my Photoshop died - it's alive again!

+ tired, potentially getting sick - winter's coming! - oh well for sickness, yay for winter. i need new black boots.

+ weekend's here! please be slow, weekend dearest. don't go too soon and let monday come, lest i be miserable!

+ DONE with the video! i love you, final cut pro, though you don't do sound mixes very well. oh well. i still love my mac and the best thing about the whole experience is the learning process. more on this in upcoming blogs.

+ just bought STACKS of blank DVDs and a couple of Wes Anderson's films: The Royal Tenenbaums (one of my faves!) and The Life Aquatic (apparently a flop, but for 10 bucks, it's not too bad - savour the commentaries, fingers-crossed they're worth 10 bucks).

+ oh, me and Na are officially Club Dendy ( - THE best cinemas - for their choice of flicks) members! been wanting to join since 5 years ago! so FINALLY! :D

Below: the product of that wee bit of photoshop exercise i just had to do.

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