Sunday, April 29, 2007

i disintegrate.

i need at least a month to recover.

don't ask me for details,
i'm not good with disecting abstact concepts.

therefore i cannot quite explain,
unless i try very hard (and i have no energy for such),
my current dilemma.

checking with the doc at lunch time,
hoping they won't make me wait an eternity...

seeing the new shrink after work.
pray work won't be crazy busy like friday.

the weekend:
chatted with B / hillsong tv gfx / bus ride with G / watched Life Aquatic + Lost in Translation bonus features /caught up with Ced re Fri nite projects / lunched and hung-out with Joy, Andrew + bro post church service / napped and prepped for the new week ahead

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Week: in point form

+ busy lunch periods catching up with an array of lunch buddies - to make up for the nights spent on The Editing.

+ spoke to dad on monday, dad's birthday on tuesday, found out he had a bit of an accident thereafter - pray it's going to be all good. soon. :I

+ bro somewhat worried about eye probs. :(

+ busy day at work, meetings and all - think the volume has picked up once again - and maybe we need those contractors after all.

+ officially taking a finance course next month - something i have to pass (aim:71%). otherwise, it's going to be another expense - an unwanted one at that.

+ whew! i thought my Photoshop died - it's alive again!

+ tired, potentially getting sick - winter's coming! - oh well for sickness, yay for winter. i need new black boots.

+ weekend's here! please be slow, weekend dearest. don't go too soon and let monday come, lest i be miserable!

+ DONE with the video! i love you, final cut pro, though you don't do sound mixes very well. oh well. i still love my mac and the best thing about the whole experience is the learning process. more on this in upcoming blogs.

+ just bought STACKS of blank DVDs and a couple of Wes Anderson's films: The Royal Tenenbaums (one of my faves!) and The Life Aquatic (apparently a flop, but for 10 bucks, it's not too bad - savour the commentaries, fingers-crossed they're worth 10 bucks).

+ oh, me and Na are officially Club Dendy ( - THE best cinemas - for their choice of flicks) members! been wanting to join since 5 years ago! so FINALLY! :D

Below: the product of that wee bit of photoshop exercise i just had to do.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Calm after the Storm

A friend used to tell me how there's one thing a person in their lowest of lows can look forward to -better times. She reasoned that there's just that point where things couldn't get any worse.

That's something I've believed until now.

i'm currently happily editing The Video. But I have to do everything again... not that I've done so much already...I'm just glad the concept's worked.. sort of.

I'm blabbering. I have more to say but currently lost for words. I'll write again when I'm more organized.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


The lifts in the apartment went berserk last night. They fixed it an hour or so ago. Good for them. I thought I'd be stuck here forever.

(There are fire stairs but once you're out, you can't come back in unless someone from inside opens the fire door for you.)

Having pre-shoot jitters. The thing to bear in mind is that I'm not alone and there are people (make that at least one person) who shares a deep concern for the project as much as I do.

I've had parotid glad infection for a few days now. The damning condition has made one of my cheeks swell, made me feel (not to mention look) a bit funny and has sent my mood into swift series of sommersaults. - inspiring, at the very least.
Cheers to you all, Filipinos!
Double cheers to you all, Filipino film people!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Finally, Finally...

* North Sydney Freeway, taken form the North Sydney Footbridge.

Finally got my DSL2 modem, hence an even faster connection (not that I've ever complained in the past) but at least we've got optimum (or so I think) internet connection.

Still have that one box to unpack but I'll take my time on that - until tax season, I suppose.

We are currently working on a wedding video, plus I've got a few projects lined up. Apart from the wedding video, the others don't really have a deadline which is well and good - but I'm determined to come up with kick-ass material though I don't know how.

The week's been alright. Lunches with good friends - Katrina's back! - a few dinners, a 007 movie from the 70s and a bunch of late nights.

Long road ahead, I tell you. I gotta catch up with house work before I totally shove the thought to the back of my head.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Back to the Groove...

Hey hey! I'm back, I'm back.

Posts and photos coming up shortly!