Saturday, January 06, 2007

getting the picture

I've been telling close friends how reading John Maxwell always makes me want to quit my job. Having said that, I know I would need to make a few clarifications, particularly to those who a.) do not see the whole picture and/or b.) do not know me at all.

Jamiroquai used to be my opium. Now it is John Maxwell. He is that great a motivator to the point that his books remind me of that big dream which I have in the past deemed unattainable, give me that feeling of hype about the whole idea and then purport me to action.

Just perfect for the new year, just perfect for 2007 - after a stagnant 2006.

And so lies my mission statement, which came to me at around 3:00am this morning - to make a difference in people's lives through films which impart values, inspires and motivates people towards action.

There, I've said it. I'm also moving from aspiring to be a cinematographer into being 'the director.' Tough call but hey, I gotta be realistic, right?

After all that, I have still decided to keep my job. Afterall, they're helping me get my new 17" MacBook Pro. *smirk*


sheryl said...

hi ivannah, cheers for your mission statement! i'd love to see more of your work. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.