Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Can water colouring save me?

Sigh. They look like the type of art I used to submit during my early primary years.

Another sigh.

But then again, it has been fun.

By the morrow I should finish the cut-and-paste.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Crossroad Number One

The portfolio is due on Friday. I've started drawing. It ain't so bad. Pretty much halfway through the drawings and it's only Monday.

I have been on the verge of chickening out once again. I have my fingers crossed. I am holding my breath and praying... I need a miracle.

After Friday I've got someother things to attend to. I should not hold my breath until mid-Feb.

It won't be the end of the world.

Even if it will be, it won't be the end of me.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A beach of a day.

Finally! A really summery summery day!

Forced myself to wake up 8-ish, though with a headache, to make it down to Balmoral beach with my thinking cap, inspirational literature (read: a cool mag - the old vanity fair with kate moss on the cover, in this case) and my trusty lil notebook.

This was Day One of my application-in-progress for a certain to-die-for course. One that might just get me somewhere.

Not sure if I got much done, apart from get uber absorbed in reading I can't remembed what now.

Headed to 'Not Bread Alone' to meet up with friends for brunch, had a bit of a chat and man it was a seriously hot day.

Checked out 5 bookstores around the city, darlo and paddo for more research and fingers-crossed I'm halfway through the thinking process. Or at least close. Doubt I'll get much done tomorrow. Got the scientific research left. Wikipedia, help me please...

Saw Black Hawk Down after dinner. We had to return the DVDs we rented last Sunday. Pretty much skimmed through the film. I have to say it's beautifully crafted. Err.. not a very film-person (wannabe) review there but what can I say? It's been a long day and the film's dragging, especially when you're watching it on DVD (on normal poor household tv monitor).

Work's been a bit on the annoying side lately. I've got an incident to report next week and I'm not looking forward to it. Growl.

Que sera sera. Gotta get to bed before I get uber hungry...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lost and Found Orchestra

me was there, thanks to na for waking up freaking early to queue up for the el cheapo ticket!

the show was awesome! great lighting (love the vibrant colours!), kick-ass choreography and music-making!

*big grin* -> big enough to last me the whole year.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

a return to love - marianne williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

You haven't had Japanese Cuisine until you've been to...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


i am seriously falling asleep. have a few things left undone but my pc is dying on me and my connection... well my internet connection sucks cos i am too stingy to go broadband. and guess what? i am uploading a video this very moment. haha.

can't wait for macbook pro and broadband internet. expenses, expenses. can't wait to quit that which i have been longing to quit.

can't wait for happy days.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

getting the picture

I've been telling close friends how reading John Maxwell always makes me want to quit my job. Having said that, I know I would need to make a few clarifications, particularly to those who a.) do not see the whole picture and/or b.) do not know me at all.

Jamiroquai used to be my opium. Now it is John Maxwell. He is that great a motivator to the point that his books remind me of that big dream which I have in the past deemed unattainable, give me that feeling of hype about the whole idea and then purport me to action.

Just perfect for the new year, just perfect for 2007 - after a stagnant 2006.

And so lies my mission statement, which came to me at around 3:00am this morning - to make a difference in people's lives through films which impart values, inspires and motivates people towards action.

There, I've said it. I'm also moving from aspiring to be a cinematographer into being 'the director.' Tough call but hey, I gotta be realistic, right?

After all that, I have still decided to keep my job. Afterall, they're helping me get my new 17" MacBook Pro. *smirk*

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

day two.

Back to work and the normal grind.

I remembered my MacbookPro, which I'm getting via salary packaging. Means I have to hang on a wee bit longer. Just a wee bit longer.

But then, I do have to start drafting the master plan. With plans A to D. Sigh. When did my life get so complicated?

The room's a mess. Mum's actually fixed it a tad. But then some things just don't work for me so have to do a lil bit of tweaking.

Two and a half months left in the north shore. Moving to the city end of March.

More expensive rent.

Less disposable income.


Monday, January 01, 2007

OMG, it's 2007!

I've been hibernating for a bit during the holiday season. My whole family's in town to celebrate the holidays Sydney-style - "tatamad-tamad," to quote the junior Mr. Go - very laid-back, in words most of the world will understand.

I'm still on holiday mode despite the fact that I have been going to work and despite the other fact that tomorrow is back to work forever - the official end of the festivities I have so longed for the whole of 2006.

Pray the work days will not drag on endlessly.

Christmas week was spent lazing around the city in our three-star accomodation. To be honest, I am more relaxed doing nothing (or something I'd deem creative) at home.

Took the family around some nice eats about town - Tea Room (Victorian-style fine dining / Mod OZ cuisine), MCA Cafe (cafe adjacent to the Museum of Contemporary Art - my haven / Mod OZ cuisine) and Masuya (one of the best Jap places in town), to name the top few picks.

Boxing Day was indeed the ultimate movie day. Saw Marie Antoinette (with the family) and The Holiday (with Amy and Norman) back to back. Had to down my Subway sandwich of a lunch during the trailers prior to The Holiday. Both were good in their own respects.

Marie Antoinette is totally art house. I darenot say too much. I love the look of the film, and the style.

The Holiday was a good chill-out film despite some imbalance story-wise.

NYE fireworks were observed from the footbridge a minute away at 9pm, and from my bedroom window at 12am. This is perhaps the best place we've ever lived at judging from the great opera house/harbour bridge views. Perhaps even a good venue for a cool NYE party cos the possums and the cats were MIA last night. Guess these creatures are scared of people, after all.

My friends from home gave me a John Maxwell book for christmas which I haven't started reading until today. Good one. Maxwell's stuff always gives me the push I've always needed.

Time to get cracking. Seriously.