Saturday, July 01, 2006

Merriam-Webster: my new best friend

one last assignment to go! i don't have a particularly good feeling going with this one as it requires some sort of an interview. i've got prospects, heaps of ideas but darn... not enough time.

my prospect of being a contributor for a broadsheet fell through the crack. lucky my course lecturer's being ultra encouraging just when i started wondering whether i have what it takes to be a writer.

long way to go but it does look promising. maybe i am cut out to be one of those 'writers-on-the-side' after all.

the job that puts food on the table gets more and more 'ugh' each day. i admit it's a psychological factor more than just the job itself. i interpret things a different way from how my peers would. that's me, alright. mum would know.

4 days off next week! yaay! i can pretend to be carefree and just immerse myself in the conference.

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