Monday, April 17, 2006

Instant Gratification

People say that whenever you accidentally bite your tongue or the insides of your cheeks, you're being remembered. Whether that is good or bad is beyond me. For some reason, I've been a victim of myself, having suddenly developed steroids that have fattened my cheek tissues. I have accidentally bitten the insides of my left cheek whist eating, resulting to rather painfully chewed-on cheek interiors. If what people have said was true of course in the positive angle of things, I wouldn't mind going through life with that chewed-on cheek interior.

Every single time I attempt to shove my foot into media, the little cat door closes. Perhaps it ain't time yet. It sure looks like now just ain't time for anything. I wondered quietly. I've started to wonder out loud.
The alternative scene. The alternative art scene. Where passions burn and passions do not care about anything below the burning point. My veins begin to fill with that long missed lifeblood.
Easter Monday. Day off. I am hanging out with g man and my bro.

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