Wednesday, August 31, 2005


the newly acquired bad habit...

Guilt over eating out for brekky, lunch and dinner for over a month now, not really exercising and haven't been going to jazz, plus sitting on my ass from 9 to 5:30 or until whenever I finish work, which can be til 8pm. Oh, not to mention I do rock up to work early every time and again. Lunch breaks are normally out of the office, thank goodness!

the american adventure...

So what happened next? US VIsa interview slated 22 August 2005. I cancelled it cos realistically, I'll never get my ass there within 2005. WHo knows how long they'll give me a visa for, plus I'll be shelling out 100 bucks (and I was kinda broke around that time). Maybe next time.

Everyone's pretty much into the US of A at the moment. Or so it seems. Been in touch with Na in Boston despite the time difference. I'm normally up around midnight Sydney time and she's usually up around midnight Boston time. And yeah she's been telling me bits and pieces about life and all.

My cousin's dragged herself to NYC. My aunt told me cuz has an interview in Jersey and now I'm seeing photos of her in NY! I think the closest I can get to the states is to work for this NY-based bank. Oh well.

that something to look forward to...

Taking holidays in October. FINALLY! Missed having holidays every other month. By October, it would have been 4-5 months that I haven't been on holidays! But then this is 3 weeks long. It's gonna make up for the obvious lack. However, it ain't gonna be as exciting. I'd probably hibernate for three weeks and go shop for clothes that are cheap and that fit me properly. Hmm.. I'd have to deal with being a medium though.

misses, not missusss...

Sin City. I'm so dying to watch that. I have limited freedom on doing whatever I feel like doing because I feel bad should I leave my mom alone and then go do whatever I want. I think by the time I go see the movie I would have build up this really massive expectation that the movie would no way no how be able to meet that in the end I'd even hate it.

Jazz Dance. Let's just see if I really go should I get my chance. Work's been wearing me out. But I have 11 classes to do before October.

After-work Drinks. I still had a few but just a few.

Days-off. No more sunny days at the beach. No more idle lazy days.

Starbucks. Took a month off my weekend job but come to think of it, I don't really miss it, muchless miss the actual job. A good sign, I reckon but hanging on until I get my brother a job there. Come to think of it, what I miss would have been being able to read the weekend papers during working hours.

Writing. Sigh. I think I'm losing it.

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