Saturday, March 12, 2005

of cupcakes and cocktails and the need for crutches

My temper has perhaps not done much of a roller coaster since I got to Sydney. I am stuck at home with a sprained ankle, something I have never ever had in my life. Thus, I cannot be blamed for shedding a tear after realizing I cannot walk.

Crawled my way to Na's room to grab the phone and get someone else to cover my shift. Worst ever response in the entire century, but I really didn't have a choice. I was saying if I were sick, I can probably at least make my way there and pull the show. My problem is the getting there bit. I have never ever been disabled and this sucks big time.

It also helps make things suck even more if other people support the negative reaction of the other party. I did things as sensibly as I can and to the best of my ability. Now, should I scream my lungs out and declare my verdict to that selfish prick who is and will always be a hopeless case?

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