Monday, August 09, 2004

the kettle business

Hot water's not working for the third day. We didn't have that luxury over the whole weekend. It was a challenge to shower especially this time of the year! It's winter down under for goodness' sake!

Currently boiling water for my bath. Almost there...

Oh yeah, I didn't really miss my laptop when I was in Queensland. I just didn't have time to think about work.

Tax is underway. Have my fingers crossed and hope I get my moolah back. I need them now.

I am looking at getting a bit of work experience in a more proper field. No more hospitality work for the moment. I need a break from that. Kinda tired from it all. My world has been revolving around it for a while now.

Want to talk to mom. Oh well. Will get there sooner or later.

Progress is found in not being pissed off anymore. No more burdenous mountain to bear. I currently find my self just slightly off track. Whew.

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