Tuesday, July 27, 2004

likes and dislikes

If there's a blog I have always loved, it's bound to be Marika's. She's American but from a British background and she's into travelling around the world in exotic and grand places. She's meant to be into missions but I'm not really sure what she's up to.

Marika's a Starbucks chick. Ever-hyper even without the coffee cos she doesn't drink coffee. She's filled with crazy ideas and interesting stories. I just love stories and her stories has by far been the most interesting, most diverse and mose adventurous experiences of one person alone. She's nuts. In a good way though.

Speaking of Starbucks, there are too many organizational changes, most of which I do not necessarily like. So what will become of little me who lives in Starbucksland?

It's definitely time for my alternative plans. Can't really count on anyone and anything these days. Was just talking to someone who used to be my friend about that. He didn't even realize I was hinting to him. Blur.

I got peeved with immigration processes. It totally stressed me out today and ruined my good intentions. No details here. Totally not the space for such rants. But all is well now. I am rather proud of myself for being vocal, thus saving myself $7 in outright monetary terms, at least $50 in 'accruals' and some other opportunity costs.

I had to print out my academic transcript for immigration, too. It didn't look that bad. So I'm smiling.

Tomorrow's a brand new day to look forward to, I daresay. It's almost the long weekend!

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